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Department of Information Technology


Head of Department, as well as chairman of the board, is Robin Strand (since October 1, 2023). Deputy Head of Department (since October 1, 2023) is Emanuel Rubensson.

Board members are elected every three years. Board meeting minutes are available. (In Swedish only.)

The Steering Group handles daily management and execution of the board's decisions. The Steering Group has meetings every week.

The research at the department is divided into five divisions (subdepartments):

The departments education administration is handled by the Student Office (IT-kansliet).

List of groups that manage daily activities of the IT Department.

For information about postal or visiting addresses, directions how to get to the department and search for staff, see the Contact page.

Get to know your department webinar series

Introduction video recording
Introduction Powerpoint

Vi2 - Visual Information and Interaction
Vi2 video recording
Vi2 Powerpoint

DoCS - Computer Systems
DoCs video recording
DoCs Powerpoint

TDB - Scientific Computing
TDB video recording
TDB Powerpoint

SysCon - Systems and Control
SysCon video recording
SysCon Powerpoint

UPPMAX sound recording
Listen to the recording together with the powerpoint below. Video recording did unfortunately not work this time.
UPPMAX Powerpoint

Updated  2023-10-17 12:05:24 by Ulrika Andersson.