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Department of Information Technology

SMC 2017 - Scholarships

The SMC community is, sad to say, struggling with a gender imbalance with (comparatively) few women working and doing research in the area. As one small step towards a solution to this issue, the SMC2017 organizing committee has decided to award scholarships for attendance at the workshop and/or short course, covering travel and accommodation costs1 for attendees contributing to an improved gender equality. The incentive is to improve the gender balance in the SMC community, e.g. by encouraging and enabling more women to participate in the event and, in the long run, to work in the exciting field of SMC!

Anyone is very welcome to apply, regardless of the state of your career. However, our selection criteria are primarily based on the applicant's contribution to an improved gender equality and to the wish and potential of the applicant to do research on SMC (rather than on your scientific merits). A young PhD student with a desire to pursue research in the area of SMC is an ideal candidate for the scholarship, as is a more senior researcher with a wish to approach the SMC field.

How to apply

Applications should be sent to no later than June 11, 2017. The application should consist of a CV and a personal statement (max 2,500 characters) of why you wish to attend the SMC2017 event. Please indicate in the application if you are applying for a scholarship for attending the short course (Aug 24-29), the workshop (Aug 30-Sept 1), or both. Students are furthermore encouraged to provide a supporting letter from their supervisor.

1 The scholarship will cover travel costs and budget accommodation for the entire stay (including course and workshop), as well as the registration fees, up to a maximum of 15,000 SEK.

Updated  2017-04-18 19:23:23 by Fredrik Lindsten.