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Department of Information Technology

The backup service of self-administered computers will end during spring 2018. No new computers will be added to the service.

Where to store files from a laptop or a desktop?

Here are three examples. The first two options mean storing locally at the IT Department or at Polacksbacken.

  1. You can use the file sharing service FilR and/or the common file server at Campus Polacksbacken. The file server at Polacksbacken is backed up. The service FilR is a "shell" that uses this server which means that files stored in FilR will also be backed up.
  2. On the Unix file server at the IT Department (which is backed up) you can also store a less amount of data. See a list of Unix login servers. New users on the server need to apply for an account.
Updated  2020-11-09 14:51:15 by Joel Fredrikson.