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Department of Information Technology

AD1 Lectures & Slides

For administrative reasons, attendance at the first two-hour-lecture is mandatory: you must contact Pierre Flener if you cannot make it for a convincing case of force majeure, ideally in advance.

The main objective of lectures (föreläsningar) is to cover the required theoretical content of the course, illustrated by as many examples as possible. Attendance is highly recommended. The essential aspects (in the eyes of the main instructor) of the course will be pointed out. Common misunderstandings will be discussed. The slides are not self-contained at all: they are only a support for the lectures, but not equivalent to their much more detailed content, so you ought to take notes.

There is no planned correspondence between the scheduled lectures and the topics of the course: a lecture may span two topics in the table below. Slides will be put on-line immediately before a lecture (but are not distributed in printed form), hence you can always figure out approximately where we currently are.

Topic Slides Programs Extra Material Textbooks
Introduction reminder on induction (slides 5-12) Chapter 1 of CLRS
Algorithm Analysis, Divide & Conquer, and Sorting Slides, More Slides Programs applet 1 for sorting, applet 2 for sorting Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 7 as well as pages 147-150 and Appendix D of CLRS; you may skip everything about invariants, little-oh, and little-omega, as well as Sections 4.6 and 7.3
Stacks & Queues Slides Programs Pages 229-231 and Section 10.1 of CLRS
Trees Slides, AVL Slides Programs applet 1 for AVL trees; applet 2 for AVL trees Sections B.5 and 10.4, as well as Chapter 12 of CLRS; you may skip Section 12.4; AVL trees are not covered in CLRS, but in Section 6.3 of L
Heaps Slides Programs applet for binomial heaps Chapter 6 and Problem 19-2 of CLRS; you may skip Section 6.4; binomial heaps are not covered in L
Hashing Slides Chapter 11 of CLRS; you may skip Sections 11.3.3 and 11.5

Updated  2010-05-13 15:31:01 by Pierre Flener.