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Department of Information Technology

Computer Science Education

Extra assignment if you could not attend the seminar Oct 3, 2006

Clarification 2006-10-11: The two assignments should be made but should to together be 3 - 4 pages. You decide yourself proportions (expressed in number of pages) between the two assignments

You have two tasks:

  1. Write an essay that explores the following questions in your own words. If you quote a paper, the formal rules of for quoting must be followed.
    • Select three papers from those that are related to my lecture (not Ben-Aris). Select one which advocates or is an exmple of qualitative research, one which advocates or is an exmple of quantiative research, and one of your own choice. Discuss for each of them:
      • What research question the author(s) have
      • What results the papers shows
      • Which research approach the authors uses
      • To what extent you think that the research approach is well chosen. Motivate your answer.
    • What kind of insights in how students' learn about CS can be gained by a constructivist approach, according to Moti Ben-Ari?
  2. Write the same kind of reflections as those who attended the seminar should do. The same dead-line applies.

Hand in the extra assignment on 3 - 4 pages, individually, in Swedish or English. Hand them in by mailing them to

The subject line *must* be "CSEd Seminar 1, extra assigment". Dead-line Friday, Oct 20.

Concerning references ACM says "Use the standard Communications of the ACM format for references - that is, a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by first author, and referenced by numbers in brackets [1]. The paper by Susan Wiedenbeck is a perfect example of how ACM references can look. References should be published materials accessible to the public. Internal technical reports may be cited only if they are easily accessible (i.e. you can give the address to obtain the report within your citation) and may be obtained by any reader. Proprietary information may not be cited. Private communications should be acknowledged, not referenced (e.g., [Robertson, personal communication])."

Updated  2006-10-11 23:09:21 by Anders Berglund.