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Department of Information Technology

Computer Networks II spring 2013

To contact the teacher and teaching assistants, use this address:

The course begins January 21:st. Note the readings before the first lecture on the (./schedule|schedule page). Lectures and labs are not mandatory, but the semi-weekly seminars are if you are aiming at a good grade.

As this is a 10 hp course, there is a lot of course work going on in terms of labs, seminars etc. all the time. It is recommended that you do not take more than one other course in parallell to this one if you aim at a high grade. For course literature, the course book from CN1 (Kurose-Ross) will be used partially, otherwise it is mostly papers and material that can be downloaded from the web.

For questions about the course, contact Lars-Åke Nordén.


2013-01-30: Groups for seminar 1 can be found here.
2013-01-04: Most of the information in place
2012-12-22: Tentative schedule page, including all deadlines, available.
2012-12-20: Deadlines announced, Lab1 deadline 1st Febuary 23:59 and Lab2 deadline 11th Febuary 23:59
2012-11-27: Important dates: Feb 4:th, Feb 18:th and Feb 28:th (seminar days). Final exam on Mar 20:th.

2012-10-29: Course homepage initiated. Will fill up during November and December.

Updated  2013-01-30 13:12:10 by Lars-Åke Nordén.