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Department of Information Technology


List of projects

The project assignment typically requires students to search and study relevant literature (e.g., articles, standards documents, manuals), implementation of the project (which usually means programming, conducting simulations and/or experiments, and analysis), and a demo and presentation of the project. Each project is staffed by a team of 4-8 persons, depending on the scope of the project. Project group members need to organize the project themselves. A project plan and a time schedule must be discussed and approved by your project advisor. The total time for the project should not exceed 4 weeks of full-time work for each group member. A list of projects is available at the course web pages.

Each project gets an advisor, i.e., a graduate student or an instructor. They will assist you with practical arrangements, to search information, and they will ensure that you follow your plan. All projects have some association with research at the department.

The projects will be presented and demonstrated on Wednesday, December 17 with a demo and an oral presentation. Each project will get 30 minutes for their presentation.


Each project team is graded according to:

  • How well the project is carried out
  • Presentation and demonstration

Updated  2008-10-21 21:28:18 by Per Gunningberg.