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Department of Information Technology

Mobile Basestations in WSNs


If mobile phones are capable of communicating with WSNs, they can be used to harvest sensor data which they can (maybe at a later time) upload to remote users. Moving basestations causes problems for routing protocols, which often assume a stationary network topology.


The contiki OS include uAODV, netflood etc. which are multihop WSN protocols. We do not know how these protocols behave when the basestation is moving through a WSN deployment. To learn this, the Sensei-UU WSN testbed can be used. The testbed includes a robot that can repeat the same mobility pattern with high accuracy. The goal of this project is to measure protocol performance with a mobile bassestation. To see the system in action, watch


not neccesary but helpful: C, Linux, matlab or python

Number of students: 3-4

Contact: Olof Rensfelt

laptop, Sensei-UU in a box, robot

Updated  2010-03-16 11:33:46 by Olof Rensfelt.