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Department of Information Technology

Control design (Reglerteknisk design) [1TT492; F4, IT4]

Computer-controlled systems (Datorbaserad styrning) [1TS250; STS4]

Computer-controlled systems (Datorbaserad styrning) [1TV450; W4]

General course information fall 2006

0. Messages


Resultat av tentamen 070419 finns tillgängligt här.

Tentan med lösningar finns här:
Control design, April 2007 Exam and Solutions
Computer-controlled systems, April 2007 Exam and Solutions


Resultat av tentamen 061221 finns tillgängligt här.


Feltryck i svaret på uppgift 3 (F,IT) resp uppgift 2 (W), tentamen december 2001.
Byt ut texten 'nonnegative element' mot 'negative diagonal element'.


Inlupp 2 är rättad. Jag har lösningarna på mitt rum fram till frågestunden 18 december, och tar med dem då. Därefter kommer alla resterande lösningar att läggas i inluppsfacket. Jag har lista över tilldelade poäng på inlupparna.


Ordlistan (svenska och engelska reglertekniska uttryck) är tillåtet hjälpmedel på tentamen.


Laborationerna kommer att äga rum på följande tider 6 dec fm, 6 dec em, 7 dec fm, 12 dec fm, 13 dec em, 14 dec fm, 14 dec em, 18 dec fm, 18 dec em, 19 dec fm. Varje pass är 4 timmar. Varje student skall göra två laborationer (och teckna sig för 2 valfria pass). För varje pass finns det plats för 9 studenter för vardera laborationen. Teckninglista anslås på dörren till labsalen (2314) fredag 17 november kl 10.00.


Föreläsningen 27 november kl 10.15 om industriella tillämpningar är obligatorisk. Den som inte har möjlighet att delta, får göra en uppgift på individuell basis i stället:
Välj en artikel från någon av tidskrifterna IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Control Engineering Practice, Journal of Process Control. Artikel skall vara publicerad 2005 eller 2006. Skriv ett referat av artikeln (på svenska eller engelska). Uppgiften skall utföras individuellt. Lämna referatet till Torsten S före tentamen (21 december) De tre tidskrifterna kan nås via Beurlingbibliotekets länk,

1. Introduction

The three courses will be partly given together. Some of the lectures will be jointly given for all students, while there are also some additional lectures addressing issues for the STS and W students. These students take one of the larger courses called Computer-controlled systems.

Further information about the Division of Systems and Control is available on the web. Our homepage is here.

The web address for this homepage is

2. Teachers and supervisors

The Division of Systems and Control is located at Polacksbacken, house 2.

Name Function Room Phone Email
Torsten Söderström Main responsibility, lectures, problem solving sessions 2209 4713075
Linda Brus Computer laboratories, Laboratories 2321 4713397
Björn Halvarsson Computer laboratories, Laboratories 2320 4717840
Agnes Rensfelt Computer laboratories, Laboratories 2319 4713189

Note that for all administrative and practical aspects you should as a first choice contact the undergraduate office (IT-kansliet, room 4213).

3. Prerequisities and background

It is assumed that the participants have working knowledge in the following areas:

  • Continuous-time control systems.
  • The program package Matlab. The computer laboratories and most of the homework assignments assume that you are familiar with Matlab. In the homework assignments you will be expected to do your own programming. You will also use Matlab's Control Systems Toolbox frequently.
  • Some basics of random processes or signal processing is an advantage, but not fully necessary.

Links to some general background material to download is available below.

4. Literature and course material

The course is based on the textbook

  • Torkel Glad and Lennart Ljung: Reglerteori - Flervariabla och olinjära metoder. Studentlitteratur, andra upplagan, 2003 (RT). [There are no larger differences from the first edition of 1997.] It is also available in English as Torkel Glad and Lennart Ljung: Control Theory - Multivariable and Nonlinear Methods, Taylor and Francis, 2000.

Course material for sale at UTH-gård:

  • Exempelsamling i reglerteori (2006 edition; includes solutions)
  • OH transparencies

Further course material include

  • Computer laboratories
  • Laboratories ['LQ control of the seesaw/pendulum process'; 'Model predictive control of the tank process']
  • Homework assignments [HW1, HW2 for F and IT; HW1, HW2, HW3 for STS and W]

We have a limited edition of this material. It will be handed out at UTH-gård. You can also get access to this material through the web, see below.

5. Computer facilities

For completing the homework assignments you will need access to Matlab and its Control Systems Toolbox.

The software is available in our PC lab (room 2315). To have access to the computers in the PC lab, a student account at UpUnet-S is required. You will need your UpUnet-S user name and the C password in order to login. Information about how to get a UpUnet-S account can be found here. When solving the homework assignments you may need to use Matlab and the Control Systems Toolbox. For more information see the document 'Matlabs Control Systems Toolbox och LTI-object' which is handed out at UTH-gård, or can be found under 'Background material' below. You can of course use the software in the PClab. Another alternative is to run the software over the web. In that case you will need to use your UpUnet-S identity. How to get media and access to the license is described here.

6. Some hints

The course contains a lot of useful stuff, that is also practically important. You may think that there is a lot of theory to penetrate. Here are some friendly advice for how to facilitate the learning.

  • If you read the chapters in advance before each lecture (even if you skim through them), you will find it easier to both follow the presentation, and to improve your understanding during the lectures.
  • The Computer laboratories as well as the Laboratories are aimed to be good vehicles for deepening your knowledge and understanding. We assume that you have prepared yourself accordingly, so that you can take full use of these parts of the course.

7. Examination

The structure of the exam is the following:

  • One final exam, max 50 units. (N.B. different exams for the F4/IT4 and STS4/W4 courses).
  • The laboratories, pass or fail (no gradings).
  • Homework assignments ('inlämningsuppgifter'; 2 for F4/IT4, 3 for STS4/W4), max 3 units each.

The units gained from the homework assignments will give the corresponding credit in the final exam. The final exam will contain one problem [6 units (for F4, IT4) or 9 units (for STS4, W4) out of the total 50] that can be used as an alternative option. For each homework assignment there will be a strict deadline when you can hand in its solution.

Preliminary grades: 3 = 23-32, 4 = 33-42, 5 = 43-50.

During the exam, the course literature, mathematical handbooks and tables, and calculators are allowed. No set of exercises and solutions is allowed.

Some further policy for the examination:

  • New versions of the final exam are given in April 2007 and August 2007. If only few persons registrate at these occasions, we may arrange an oral examination instead.
  • The results of the homework assignments that are handed in during fall 2006 are valid until August 2007. Passed Laboratories are valid without any time limit.

8. Structure

The course consists of

  • 13 lectures ('föreläsningar') + 2 additional lectures for STS+W
  • 10 problem solving sessions ('räkneövningar') + 2 additional sessions for STS+W
  • 2 discussion sessions ('frågestunder')
  • 4 computer laboratories, 2 hours each ('beräkningslaborationer')
  • 2 laboratories, half a day each ('laborationer') (compulsory)

Due to the need of adopting the scheduled teaching time to the funding, there will not be any parallel sessions for the problem solving. Instead we have chosen to include two discussion sessions in the end of the course. You will be most welcome to give any types of questions related to the course (or the subject area in general) during these sessions.

The computer laboratories will take place in room 2315. The laboratories take place in room 2314. Please note that you need to use your student account at UpUnet-S (user name and C password are required) in order to run the computer labs.

The computer laboratories and the regular laboratories are essential parts of the course. They contain many tasks to carry out. In order to pass them, it is necessary that you prepare yourself carefully in advance according to the instructions for the individual laboratories.

Homework assignments (and when needed also Laboratories) are to be handed in at the marked mailbox (no 26) in the row of mailboxes, (second floor, house 2). We will also hand out your corrected homework assignments and laboratories there. Returned solutions that are not collected by January 21 will be thrown away.

9. Material to download

9.1 General information

Contents and schedule pdf.

Reading instructions pdf.

General rules for students' work pdf.

9.2 Course material


LQ control fo the seesaw pendululm process pdf.
Model predictive control of the tank process pdf.

Computer laboratories

Complab1 pdf.
Complab2 pdf.
Complab3 pdf.
Complab4 pdf.

Homework assignments

Homeworks pdf.

Template for m-file for Homework 2 template.

Examples of (companion) m-files for generating phase plane plots, Figure 13.9 in the textbook.
file 1.
file 2.

Errata for the textbook, first edition

Errata pdf.

OH transparencies

Introduction pdf.
Chapter1 pdf.
Chapter2 pdf.
Chapter3 pdf.
Chapter4 pdf.
Chapter5 pdf.
Chapter6 pdf.
Chapter7 pdf.
Chapter8 pdf.
Chapter9 pdf.
Chapter10 pdf.
Chapter16 pdf.

OH transparencies for Computer-controlled systems

Chapter11 pdf.
Chapter12 pdf.
Chapter13 pdf.

9.3 Old exams

Control design, December 2001 Exam, Solutions,
Computer-controlled systems, December 2001 Exam, Solutions,

Control design, December 2002 Exam, Solutions,
Computer-controlled systems, December 2002 Exam, Solutions,

Control design, December 2003 Exam, Solutions,
Computer-controlled systems, December 2003 Exam, Solutions,

Control design, December 2004 Exam, Solutions,
Computer-controlled systems, December 2004 Exam, Solutions,

Control design, December 2005 Exam and Solutions
Computer-controlled systems, December 2005 Exam and Solutions

Control design, December 2006 Exam and Solutions
Computer-controlled systems, December 2006 Exam and Solutions

9.4 Background material

Control vocabulary MS Word,
Litet linjär algebra pdf,
Tillståndsåterkoppling pdf,
Störningar som stokastiska processer pdf,
Matlab Control system toolbox och LTI-objekt pdf,

Updated  2007-04-24 13:15:11 by Torsten Söderström.