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Department of Information Technology
Question Answer
6 at the address 0x10010000 is 0x11 (decimal 17) / hexadecimal base / 0x00000017 is at 0x10010004 / at the address 0x10010008 is 0x0
7 R3 = 0 and R4 = 0
9 R3 = 11 and R4 = 28
10 0x10010008 changed to 0x28
12 at the address is the liu $1, 4097
13 add $4, $4, $3 is at 0x00400030 / brakepoint is at 0x00400034
14 R3 = 0, R4 = 1, PC = 00400020
15 PC = 00400030, R3 = 11, R4 = 17
16 PC = 00400034, R3 = 11, R4 = 28
19 at the memory addresses 0x10010000 - 0x10010010 are stored 0x11, 0x17, 0x28, 0x0, 0x0

Updated  2010-03-21 19:22:29 by David Eklöv.