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Department of Information Technology


The course includes one laboratory exercise.

Deadlines, Hand-in Procedure & Grading

Hand in your labs in Postbox 50, floor 4, house 1, Polacksbacken.
Everything you hand in should of course be labeled with your names and signed.

Deadlines will be strictly enforced. Any labs that are not in the postbox when it is emptied (sometime after the given deadline) will not be graded during the course. They will end up in a pile that is processed sometime between the end of the course and the end of August the following year.

Help & Questions

Fredrik Bjurefors will manage the lab.

To get help:
Send mail to [1].

Genie Lab Environment

The laboratory exercises (Snoop and Routing) are based on the Genie lab environment. Genie is a Linux system that runs off a bootable CD and is compatible with most PC computers. The system is pre-configured with everything you need to do the laboratory exercises.

Snoop Lab

Snoop lab instructions: PDF

Work in groups of two.

Scheduled hours:

Day Time Location Deadline
Monday, Nov 15 13:15-17:00 Pol_1313D Nov 22 17:00

Updated  2010-10-26 10:18:43 by Fredrik Bjurefors.