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Department of Information Technology

About assignments, home exam and cheating

Working at your own time and in your own pace is one of the main features of distance education and of this online course. This is also true for the examination part of the course where home exam and assignments are an important part of the learning. Working with the exam and the assignments at home gives you access to the course literature, all the help you can get from the internet, and the chance to talk with your peers and other people about the problems you are encountering in your work.

This is good and we think it should be done this way. By being active in seeking information and having a dialog with other people you are learning better and more. However, the final reports to the teachers must be written by yourself and in your own words in order for this better learning to occur.

Therefore you are not allowed to copy or plagiarize the text of other people, from a book, an article, an internet site, etc.

We are checking regularly the texts we receive against different data bases. Indeed almost all students are honest, work hard and gain a lot of new knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, from time to time we disclose students who are cheating. We take this very seriously and cheating is immediately reported to the disciplinary committee and the Vice-Chancellor of the University who takes further measures.


Updated  2013-03-19 11:57:24 by Magnus Larsson.