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Department of Information Technology

Weekly Reports and Planning

Each group must submit weekly reports. The reports must be written in the department Wiki system following the links in the menu to the left.

The format for each weekly report is the following:

Week Nr

A short summary of the achievements since last week.
A short summary of any obstacles experienced during the week that you need to resolv to continue forward. Each group member should contribute to the list of impediments. Communicating your impediments with the rest of the group as often and as early as possible is the best way to get help from you group mates.
Next Week
A brief summary of the tasks planned for the next week. For each task you must appoint one responsible group member. Allocate other team members to the tasks as you find appropriate. All members must be assigned at least one task. Try to distribute task responsibilities evenly within the group. The plan for the next week should be given in a tabular similar to this:
Responsible Other Members Task Name Task Description
Adam CVS Setting up CVS for the project...
Jeff Adam & Eve Simics Installing Simics, get started using Simics...

To edit the weekly report, follow the link for your group in the left menu and click on the edit this page link at the bottom of the page:



Updated  2009-03-17 14:40:51 by Karl Marklund.