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Department of Information Technology

Cryptography overview

  • Cryptography: science of secret writing
  • Cryptanalysis: science of breaking ciphers
  • Cryptology: both

Cryptography is not enough to get computer security, but it helps to solve some problems. Computer security is necessary for cryptography.

Consider a distributed system:

    A ----------+---------- B

  • Traditional problem: C may intercept, interrupt, modify and fabricate messages between A and B, because it has access to the layer below.
  • Cryptography can help
    • data confidentiality: hide contents of messages
    • data integrity: detect a changed message
    • data origin authentication: verify source and integrity of messages
Data integrity vs data origin authentication: integrity useless without source verification; source verification useless without integrity - so do both.
  • "New" problem: A and B may try to cheat eachother (e.g. e-commerce)
    • replace the "intruder" C by the Trusted Third Party (TTP) C, who can resolve disputes

Cryptographic strength

  • Strength of crypto not by secret algorithms (security by obscurity), but by strength of algorithm and key
  • Algorithms analysed and evaluated openly
    • empirically secure, provably secure, unconditionally secure
  • Key problems: key management
    • Where are keys generated?
    • How are they generated?
    • Where are keys stored?
    • How are they transported there?
    • Where are keys used?
    • How are they revoked and replaced?

Algorithm strengths

The strength of a cryptographic algorithm is given by the difficulty of breaking it.


(a = b) mod m iff a-b = k*m for some integer k


(a mod m)+(b mod m) = (a+b mod m)
(a mod m)*(b mod m) = (a*b mod m)

Security of crypto algorithms can often be reduced to these difficulties:

  • Given p, a and y=a^x mod p, find x (Discrete Logarithm Problem)
  • Given n, find prime factors (factorisation)

For large p and n, these are very difficult - maybe not with quantum computing?


  • encryption/decryption
  • hash functions (integrity check functions, manipulation detection codes (MDC)...)
  • digital signatures
3.1. Encryption/decryption


  • eK(m) = c: plaintext m encrypted with key K
  • dK(c) = m: ciphertext c decrypted with key K
  • dK(eK(m)) = m

Two variants:

  • Symmetric, shared-key, algorithms
    • same key for encryption and decryption: shared secret
    • new key for each pair of peers
    • typically fast
  • Asymmetric, public-key, algorithms
    • one public, one private key: inverses
    • dK+(eK-(m)) = m, dK-(eK+(m)) = m
    • typically slow

Two variants:

  • Block ciphers: split data in larger blocks, same key
  • Stream ciphers: encrypt bytes (or other small blocks) at a time, key changes (typically depends on previous small block)
  • Symmetric: Classic: DES, modern: AES/Rijndael, Blowfish, IDEA, ...
  • Asymmetric: classic: RSA
    • c = m^e mod n
    • m = c^d mod n
    • e and d inverse keys, encryption and decryption the same operation
  • Other asymmetric: El Gamal, Elliptic curve alg:s, ...
3.2. Hash functions
  • result: hash value = message digest = "checksum"
    • note: "checksum" too general, e.g. CRC checksums which are much weaker

Desired properties of hash functions h:

  • ease of computation
  • compression: h maps arbitrary length input to fix length output n=h(x)
  • pre-image resistance: given y, computationally infeasible to find x s.t. y=h(x)
  • weak collision resistance: given x and h(x), computationally infeasible to find x1 different from x s.t. h(x)=h(x1).
  • strong collision resistance: computationally infeasible to find x and y (different) s.t. h(x)=h(y).

3.2.1. Message Authentication Codes (MAC)

MAC give data origin authentication (verify integrity and source) using a secret cryptographic key.

  • Properties: ease of computation, compression, plus
    • computation resistance: for secret key k and a set of pairs (xi,hk(xi)), computationally infeasible to compute hk(y) for new y
  • Example algorithm, based on MDC h:
    HMAC(x) = h(k||p1||h(k||p2||x))
    where p1, p2 padding making k a full block
  • Real algorithms:
    • SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorith 1): 512-bit blocks, generate 160-bit hash value
    • MD4, MD5 (Message Digest)
    • RIPE-MD
3.3. Digital Signatures

MAC do not necessarily tell if A or B sent the message. Digital signatures do.

  • A dig.sig. must be unforgeable: impossible for anyone else to make A's signature
  • A dig.sig. must be authentic: B can check that a message m is signed by A, and the signature is "firmly attached" to m.
  • Two parts: signature algorithm, verification algorithm.
  • Signature uses private key known only to signer (plus data to sign)
  • Verification uses public key (and signed data)


  • El Gamal, DSA:
  • security related to DLP (discrete logarithm problem)
  • RSA signatures (Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman)
    • security related to factorisation
    • s = eKa-(h(m)): encrypt hash value using sender's private key
    • verify: h(m) = dKa+(s): decrypt signature with sender's public key, compare with hash value


A:s public key can/should be known by all who want.
But how do we know a public key Ka+ really belongs to A (and corresponds to Ka-)?
And what can happen if it doesn't?

  • Use digital signature of (identity,key) by someone we trust:
    • principle: cert = eKc-(A,Ka+) where Kc- is the private key of the trusted part
      C certifies that Ka+ belongs to A
      Verify using dKc+(cert)
  • How do we know Kc+ belongs to C?
    • use digitally signature by someone we trust...

Two major trust systems:

  • Certificate authorities (CA):
    • Hierarchical trust: each CA cert is signed by another, up to a Root CA, which you decide to trust
    • If you trust a Root CA, you trust the whole chain
    • You generate your key pair, send a certificate request to the CA
    • Simple to use, but implicit trust
    • X.509: format used e.g. in S/MIME certificates for email, SSL/TLS certs for e.g. web servers
  • PGP style:
    • You decide precisely who you trust to sign keys
    • You decide how much you trust them - how many signatures are needed to trust a key
    • You can decide to trust a key's validity explicitly, but perhaps not to sign others
    • Varying levels of trust; short trust paths
    • Harder to use, but easier to trust?

You should get secure email keys! Two major systems

  • S/MIME: most "commercial" email programs (e.g. Thunderbird, Mozilla, Outlook?)
  • PGP: most "open source" email programs

S/MIME uses X.509 certificates. Free certs from

  • Initially only your email address in the cert
  • To get your name in the cert, use "Web of Trust" notaries (e.g. me, Lars-Åke Larzon, last year's students), collect "trust points". 50 => name in cert, 100 => notary
  • Certification will be arranged

PGP: use pgp or gpg

  • initially no trust
  • get signatures from others, assign signing trust to keys from others
  • verify identity and key fingerprint (hash value) before signing or assigning signing trust
  • key signing can be arranged

IMPORTANT: key management

Key establishment

Shared key ciphers also need to distribute secret key safely.

  • Key transport protocol: key generated and distributed by third party
  • Key agreement protocols: shared key established without third party
    • Diffie-Hellman:
      • A and B create a shared secret key together:
      • p prime, g primitive root of p
        • primitive root: g^i mod p, for 0<=i<p, generate 0..p-1
        • example: 2 primitive root of 11 (2^10, 2^1, 2^8, 2^2, 2^4, 2^9, ...)
      • A picks random a, sends ya=g^a mod p to B
      • B picks random b, sends yb=g^b mod p to A
      • A computes yb^a, B computes ya^b (both mod p)
      • yb^a = g^(ab) = g^(ba) = ya^b - same, mod p! (this is K)
      • Need authentication: use K (station-to-station protocol)
        • A->B: g^a
        • B->A: g^b, eK(sSb(g^b,g^a)) (Sb: B's signature key, s signature alg.)
        • A->B: eK(sSa(g^a,g^b))
    • Needham-Schroeder
      • uses nonces: random numbers, one-time secrets
      • uses a third party

DH analysis:

  • Given p, g, ya, and yb (all public), compute K
  • For large enough p, computationally infeasible to solve ya=g^a mod p for a, which is necessary to get K (or symmetrically for yb and b).

Updated  2005-09-12 10:05:10 by Björn Victor.