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Department of Information Technology
  • distributed systems: security not under control of one organisation
  • web: client and server security, standards, "mobile code"
  • networking: transport and network layers
  • databases: info flow and statistics

Distributed Systems Security

Distributed system: collection of (heterogeneous) computers connected via a network, possibly controlled by different organisations and different policies.

Peers/principals: participants in distributed system (users, system nodes)


  • How do you authenticate a user/principal?
  • What is the basis for authentication decisions?
    • user identity
    • network address
    • invoked service/operation, (access operation)
  • Where do you authenticate users? (Server or client, or both, or mix?)
  • Where do you make access control decisions?

1.1. Example: Network File System in Unix

(telnet, rlogin, rsh examples outdated: these programs should not be used.)

Unix UIDs (and GIDs) are shared between client and host

  • "my uid" on the client must match "my uid" on the server
  • typically using YP/NIS (Yellow Pages/Network Information Name Service)

Standard setup: NFS access requests carry the UID and GID list of the user, authenticated at the client. Access control at server accepts the UID/GIDs for access control.

  • Except (default): "root" (uid 0), which is mapped to "nobody" (uid 65534 or 60001)
    (root bypasses access control in Unix)
  • Implication:
    • server trusts client. Easy to fool if you have privileges (e.g. private laptop, Windows machine...)
  • Control:
    • access control based on network address of client
      • using IP address, host name, domain suffix, "netgroups" (group of hosts)
      • negative permissions possible
      • write-protection of whole filesystems based on network address
      • root UID mapping configurable
    • nosuid flag (like mount, cf. Unix security but server side)

Stronger authentication possible:

1.2. Example: ssh

Secure Shell Protocol. Basic features:

  • server authentication
  • confidentiality using public-key-encrypted shared session keys

More advanced features

  • client host authentication
  • client user authentication using "certificates"
  • port forwarding
1.1. Authentication protocols

Cleartext usernames (UIDs), passwords, IP addresses can be forged and eavesdropped. Stronger authentication needed.

1.1.1. Example: Kerberos

Developed at MIT in Project Athena (also X11, distributed file system, ...).


  • Kerberos realm: similar to Windows Domain; hierarchies of realms possible
  • Kerberos Authentication Server (KAS): authenticates user at login, gives out "ticket" for acessing TGSs. "King of the Realm"
  • Ticket Granting Servers (TGS): gives out "tickets" for accessing services/servers. Local TGS e.g. for groups/resources (cf. resource domains)
  • Tickets Ti: shared-key "certificate-like" capabilities
  • Nonces Ni: single-use random numbers, to prevent replay attacks and for mutual authentication
  • Timestamps Ti: also to prevent replay attacks, require (not perfectly) synchronized clocks
  • Lifetimes Li: (requested) lifetime of tickets, limits use of brute-force attacks


  • KAS knows one-way-encrypted user passwords
  • The KAS shares a secret key Ktgs for each TGS
  • Each TGS shares a secret key Kb for each server b
  • Notation: e(k, v) encrypts v using key k

Basic protocol: User A logs in to client machine, needs access to server B using a TGS

  1. Client requests ticket for use with TGS from KAS: (A, TGS, L1, N1)
  2. KAS responds with (TGS, Katgs, Tags, L1, N1) encrypted with Ka derived from As password hash
    • key Katgs is generated session key for use between A and TGS
    • ticket Tags is (Katgs, A, T1, L1) encrypted with Ktgs
    • Client decrypts with Ka, verifies A, L1, N1
  3. Client creates authenticator: e(Katgs,(A, T3),
    and requests ticket from TGS: (A, B, L2, N2, Tags, auth)
    • TGS decrypts Tags using Ktgs,
    • verifies A (from Tags and message) and T1 against local clock
    • retrieves Katgs, verifies A and T3
    • generates session key Kab
    • creates ticket Tab: e(Kb, (Kab, A, T2, L2))
  4. TGS responds to client with e(Katgs, (B, Kab, Tab, L2, N2))
    • client decrypts with Katgs
    • verifies B, L2 and N2
    • saves Kab and Tab
  5. Client creates authenticator auth2: e(Kab, (A, T4))
    and contacts server B: (auth2, Tab)
    • B decrypts Tab, retrieving Kab
    • verifies A against auth2, validates T4
  6. Server B responds with e(Kab, T4)
    • client verifies T4

Repeat steps 5-6 until L2 expires, repeat from step 3 until L1 expires.


  • no cleartext passwords or keys over network
    client doesn't store user passwords, only KAS does
  • limited lifetime of tickets (cf. TOCTTOU)
  • protection against replays
  • mutual authentication


  • Single points of failure: KAS, TGS
  • Trust relation TGS-KAS (locally OK, widely distributed more difficult), key distribution problem
  • Non-strict timestamp validation and lifetimes gives window for replay attacks
    (too short lifetimes makes users complain)
  • Dictionary attack possible: decrypt message 2
  • Scalability problems


  • NFS and other distributed filesystems in Unix
  • Windows Domains (but version of it...)
  • PAM
  • WebDAV
  • ...

1.1.2. Example: DSSA/SPX

Similar, PKS, certificates.

1.2. Security APIs

Which system do we use today? How do we write programs using them?

Abstract from implementation:

1.2.1. Example: GSS-API

Generic Security Services API (application program interface) for portability between Kerberos and DASS

  • independence of mechanisms (e.g. PKI/shared key)
  • independence of communication protocol
  • clients not necessarily in TCB(?)

Basic elements:

  • credentials: the security-relevant data required to establish security contexts between peers, e.g. tickets
  • tokens: data supplied to GSS-API interface, converted to mechanism-specific format
  • security contexts: established using credentials, e.g. between A and B in Kerberos example
  • status codes: abstracts the mechanism stages. Major codes: independent, minor codes: dependent of mechanism.


  • credential management calls: acquire, release, information about credentials
  • context-level calls: initiation, acceptance, deletion, info about security contexts
  • per-message calls: integrity, confidentiality
  • support calls

1.2.2. Example: CORBA

Further abstraction: OS-independent, application layer, object oriented.

CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture

  • ORB: Object Request Broker
    • handles all communication between client and server objects

[figure 10.5, p181]

Updated  2005-10-03 08:52:28 by Björn Victor.