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Department of Information Technology


  • E. Hidayat, M. Soltanalian, A. Medvedev, and K. Nordström, "Stimuli design for identification of spatially distributed motion detectors in biological vision systems", to be presented at the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2014), Singapore, December 10-12, 2014.
  • E. Hidayat, A. Medvedev, and K. Nordström, "Identification of a layer of spatially distributed motion detectors in insect vision", to be presented at the 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2014), St. Petersburg, Russia, October 6-8, 2014.
  • E. Hidayat, A. Medvedev, and K. Nordström, "Identification of the Reichardt elementary motion detector model", a chapter contribution in "Signal and Image Analysis for Biomedical and Life Sciences", Springer, 2014.
  • E. Hidayat, A. Medvedev, and K. Nordström, "On identification of elementary motion detector", International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS 2013), Sydney, Australia, November 27-29, 2013.
  • E. Hidayat, J. Huotari, A. Medvedev, and K. Nordström, "Laguerre domain estimation of the elementary motion detector based on the fly visual system", INCF Neuroinformatics Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, August 27-29, 2013.
  • E. Hidayat, A. Medvedev, and K. Nordström, "Laguerre domain identification of the elementary motion detector model in insect vision", 11th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP 2013), Caen, France, July 3-5, 2013.
  • E. Hidayat and A. Medvedev, "Laguerre domain identification of continuous linear time delay systems from impulse response data", Automatica, 48(11):2902-2907, 2012.
  • E. Hidayat and A. Medvedev, "Identification of a pulsatile endocrine model from hormone concentration data", IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012), Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 3-5, 2012.
  • E. Hidayat and A. Medvedev, "Continuous time delay estimation in Laguerre domain - Revisited", 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012), Brussels, Belgium July 11-13, 2012.
  • E. Hidayat and A. Medvedev, "Laguerre domain identification of continuous linear time delay systems from impulse response data", IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, September, 2011.
  • E. Hidayat and A. Medvedev, "Parameter estimation in a pulsatile hormone secretion model", Technical report, no. 2010-007, March, 2010, .pdf
Updated  2014-09-13 03:51:14 by Egi Hidayat.