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Department of Information Technology

Typesetting properly: LaTeX

Sometimes people find standard word processors cumbersome or even unusable for mathematics. This is where LaTeX comes in.

Minimal example

This example shows some simple features of latex. It is supposed to work on the unix system here at Pollacksbacken:

  1. Download it to your home folder, or rather a suitable subfolder thereof.
  2. Open up a terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the archive.
  3. Unpack the file using the command tar -xvzf
  4. Compile the document using pdflatex example.tex
  5. Open the resulting pdf using your favourite pdfviewer, for example with the command acroexch example.pdf

Now, hack away, using example.tex as your inspiration.

DISCLAIMER: This minitutorial is completely unsupported.

Note: the clrscode package used for the book Introduction to Algorithms (Cormen et al) is not yet available, but will be shortly. See this bug (Swedish) for details if you want to use it straight away.

Updated  2011-09-12 17:40:27 by Jonathan Cederberg.