Version History =============== v.2.17 ( official, Mar 1998 ) ------ v.2.16 ( internal, Feb 1998 ) ------ o verifyta: New/improved hash function. Other improvements. v.2.15 ( internal, Jan 1998 ) ------ o verifyta: Temporary solution for problems with local optimisation. -T problem solved. v.2.14 ( internal, Nov 1997 ) ------ o uppaal: Support for simta.text added. Support for simta.text removed. Filter setting removed (obsolete). o xuppaal: [<--] problem fixed. Help menu is now activated with Ctrl-E. Zombie processes problem solved. o verifyta: GTA support added. General expressions on integer expressions added. Max and Min time derivation inactivated. v.2.13 ( internal, Oct 1997 ) ------ o simta.text: Borned. Simulator with textual interface. o verifyta: Now handles integer guards on transitions with urgent actions in a well defined way. Termination using max time constant. Max and Min time derivation added. Parametric leadsto algorithm added. v.2.12 (internal, Jul 1997) ------ o verifyta: DBM optimisations (reduced number of close operations performed). Trace display problem fixed. Problems with parsing constants fixed. Live-lock warning added, displayed if a reachable state is found with no outgoing transitions but the state allows for unbounded delay. v.2.11 (internal, Jun 1997) ---------------------------- o verifyta: Integer implementation (v.2.09) refined. Constant declarations can now be mixed with other variable declarations. v.2.10 (internal, Jun 1997) --------------------------- o xuppaal: Options->Deadlock Warnings added: turns on/off deadlock warning. Problem with interface to Local Reduction fixed. o Man pages: verifyta.1, uppaal.1, ta.5 updated. v.2.09 (internal, Jun 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta & checkta: Added integer variables with explicit ranges. Declaration syntax changed. Also, new more general expressions added to integer variables. v.2.08 (internal, May 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta: The waitlist now uses STL-lists again. The algorithm of adding states to the wait list has been changed in a way that might alter the order in which the state space is searched. Memory leaks removed. v.2.07 (internal, May 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta: Memory leaks removed. v.2.06 (internal, May 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta: A lot of internal things changed, nothing visible to the user, including: reimplementation of passedlist, and adding of some destructors. v.2.05 (internal, May 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta: Interval removed from implementation of integer variables. v.2.04 (internal, May 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta: -h added. If given, verifyta print a short help message describing all the command line options. v.2.03 (internal, Apr 1997) --------------------------- o verifyta: -D added. If not given, a deadlock waring is displayed if a reached state have no possible outgoing transitions. v.2.02 (official, Mar 7 1997) ----------------------------- o xuppaal: Help->Problems added, Run->Show Model and Run->Show Req. Spec improved, erroneous line breaks removed, Help text improved, Double click on verification output changes view point in property editor (if displayed). o Man pages: xuppaal.1 new, uppaal.1 updated. v.2.02 (beta, Mar 3 1997) ------------------------- o verifyta: bug fix, number referring to lines in the property file now shown in verification output. v.2.01 (beta, Feb 26 1997) -------------------------- o uppaal is now a bash-script again, all verification options supported. o Comments and line breaks in formula format. "//" - rest of line is ignored, "\" - line break in formula. o atg2ta, hs2ta, checkta, verifyta and uppaal compiled for MS-DOS (DPMI server required). o Man pages: uppaal.1 updated. v.2.00 (beta, Jan 16 1997) -------------------------- o New optimisations in verifyta: -S for control structure reduction (semantics changed from previous version), -C for disabeling use of compact data structes for constraints (default enabled). o Man pages: verifyta.1 updated. o Support for new optimisations in xuppaal. v.1.99, (official, Dec 2 1996) ------------------------------ o New optimisations in verifyta: -S for Control Structure Reduction, -T for reusing generated state space when checking several properties in sequence. o Support for new optimisations in xuppaal. o Simple Requirement Specification Editor added to xuppaal. o atg2ta, hs2ta, checkta, verifyta, uppaal and xuppaal compiled for Linux.