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Department of Information Technology

Benchmarking Code and Tests Relaterad to "A contention adapting approach to concurrent ordered sets"

This archive contains code that can be used to reproduce the results included in the following publication:

More information about how to use the benchmark code can be found in the included file.

The above publication is an extended combination of two conferance pubblications. You may also be intrested in the pages for these publications (here and here) as they contain additional experimental results.

This page contains even more information about CA trees.

Please, contact Kjell Winblad ( if you have any questions.

Java Path Finder Tests for Pseudocode

The pseudocde included in the CA tree papers have been extracted from runnable Java code that have been tested with the help of the JavaPathFinder state space explorer. The Java code and the tests can be found in this archive. Please see the readme file inside the archive for information on how to run the tests.

Updated  2018-06-18 14:01:17 by Kjell Winblad.