Research seminar: Structure and Symmetry in Constraint Programming By: Meinolf Sellmann Department of Computer Science Brown University, RI, USA On: Thursday 24th of November 2005 at 13:15 in room 1211 of Abstract: Constraint programming is one of the key techniques to solve real-world problems. Many such problems exhibit a lot of symmetry, which complicates the solution process considerably. Consequently, symmetry breaking was found to be an important method to speed up the search in constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) that contain symmetry. When breaking symmetry by dominance detection, a computationally efficient symmetry-breaking scheme can be achieved if we can solve the dominance detection problem in polynomial time. We study the complexity of dominance detection when value and variable symmetry appear simultaneously in CSPs. We devise an efficient dominance detection algorithm for CSPs that yields symmetry-free search trees and that is based on the abstraction to the actual, intuitive structure of a symmetric CSP.