@TechReport{ it:2001-001, author = {Viktor Petersson and Sergei Vorobyov}, title = {A Randomized Subexponential Algorithm for Parity Games}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Computing Science Division}, year = {2001}, number = {2001-001}, month = jan, abstract = {We describe a randomized algorithm for \textsc{Parity Games} (equivalent to the \textsc{Mu-Calculus Model Checking}), which runs in expected time $2^{O(k^{1/(1+2\varepsilon)})}$ \emph{subexponential} in the number of colors $k$ of the game graph when $k$ is $\Omega(n^{1/2+\varepsilon})$, $n$ is the number of vertices, and $0<\varepsilon\leq 1/2$. All previously known algorithms were \emph{exponential} in the number of colors, with the best one taking time and space $O(k^2\cdot n\cdot \sqrt{n}^k)$. Our algorithm does not rely on Linear Programming subroutines and uses a low-degree polynomial space. } }