@TechReport{ it:2011-014, author = {Anna Nissen and Gunilla Kreiss and Margot Gerritsen}, title = {High Order Stable Finite Difference Methods for the {S}chr{\"o}dinger Equation}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Division of Scientific Computing}, year = {2011}, number = {2011-014}, month = may, abstract = {In this paper we extend the Summation-by-parts-simultaneous approximation term (SBP-SAT) technique to the Schr{\"o}dinger equation. Stability estimates are derived and the accuracy of numerical approximations of interior order 2m, m=1, 2, 3, are analyzed in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. We show that a boundary closure of the numerical approximations of order m lead to global accuracy of order m+2. The results are supported by numerical simulations.} }