192 1997 Sverker Holmgren, Henrik Brandén and Erik Sterner sverker@tdb.uu.se Convergence acceleration for the Navier-Stokes equations using optimal semicirculant approximations Abstract The iterative solution of systems of equations arising from partial differential equations (PDE) governing boundary layer flow for large Reynolds numbers is studied. We consider a convergence acceleration technique, where an optimal semicirculant approximation of the spatial difference operator is employed as preconditioner. A relevant model problem is derived, and the spectrum of the preconditioned coefficient matrix is analyzed. It is proved that, asymptotically, the time step for the forward Euler method could be chosen as a constant, which is independent of the number of gridpoints and the Reynolds number. The same type of result is also derived for finite size grids, where the solution fulfills a given accuracy requirement. By linearizing the Navier-Stokes equations around an approximate solution, we form a system of linear PDE with variable coefficients. When utilizing the semicirculant (SC) preconditioner for this problem, which has properties very similar to the full nonlinear equations, the results show that the favorable convergence properties hold also here. We compare the results for the SC method to those for a multigrid (MG) scheme. The number of iterations and the arithmetic complexities are considered, and it clear that SC method is much more efficient for problems where the Reynolds number is large. The number of iterations for the MG method grows like the square root of the Reynolds number, while the convergence rate for the SC method is independent of this parameter. Also, the MG scheme is very sensitive to the level of artificial dissipation, while the SC method is not.