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Department of Information Technology

The theme of the meeting is: Applications and Better PhD Student Education for all (section 4.3 in the action plan)
1 Applications
Application 1: from Thiemo Voigt. Visiting female professor Xia Zhou. The group agreed to postpone the recommendation to Michael Thuné to the next meeting, until then Åsa will get more information from Thiemo regarding the content of the 2 week long visit.
Application 2: from Åsa Cajander. Visiting female researcher Christiane Grünloh. The group agrees that the visit would be more valuable if Christiane gives a talk for students at ACM. The group recommends that Michael Thuné grants the applied sum.
Application 3: from Virginia Grande. Attending the conference Frontiers in Education, Pennsylvania, USA. The group recommends that Michael Thuné grants the 50% of the applied sum.
Application 4: from Virginia Grande. Attending a PhD-course “Trajectories in contemporary gender research” in Malmö. The group discussed possible other ways of paying for this course such as FoFu-money. The group decides to recommend Michael Thuné not to grant the application.
2 DataTjej conference 2016
Sara Gustavsson presented the arrangement of the DataTjej conference on 2-4/2 2017, which she is a part of. The conference is funded only by the fees from the 25 companies for networking with students at the conference. The Equality Group could cooperate in funding and finding inspiration lecturers.
3 Retreat at Krusenberg
We will have the retreat 4-5/10 from lunch to lunch. The content is: working on the new Equality Plan; resistance to change and how can we be change agents. Åsa will have the outlines for a new plan ready for the retreat.
Those organizing the retreat is Åsa, Anna-Lena, Virginia and Mikael.
4 Miscellaneous
• Round the table: TA-project is close to finish. Anna-Lena and Karolina is polishing the written report.
• Åsa reports that the work environment projects for the subdivisions are developing but some parts in a slow pace.
• Fika meeting discussions. Anyone who wants to discuss a topic could mail the topic to the group. Thus everyone can prepare themselves before the fika.
5 Information about our next meetings:

4-5 October - retreat at Krusenberg - Enhance Capacity of the Gender Equality Group as Change Agents (section 4.5 in the action plan)
- Evaluation of the work in the group
- Plan for next year
- Resistance to change - Nina Almgren

Updated  2016-09-09 14:31:18 by Anna-Lena Forsberg.