
Mandatory assignment

A mutex lock is meant to be taken and released, always in that order, by each task that uses the shared resource it protects. In general, semaphores should not be used to enforce mutual exclusion. The correct use of a semaphore is to signaling from one task to another, i.e., a task either signal or wait, not both.

In this assignment you will solve the rendezvous problem using semaphores. This problem clearly demonstrates the type of synchronization that can be provided by semaphores.

Supported platforms

The provided code has been developed and tested on the department Linux system and macOS. Most likely you will be able to use any resonable modern verion of Linux.


File to use
In this program, a process creates two threads, and waits for their termination. Each thread performs five iterations. In each iteration the threads print their iteration number and sleeps for some random amount of time.

Compile and run

In the terminal, navigate to the module-4/mandatory directory. Use make to compile the program.

$ make

The executable will be named rendezvous and placed in the bin sub directory. Run the program from the terminal.

$ ./bin/rendezvous


Run the programs several times and study the source code. Think about the following questions.

  • Could you predict the output before execution? Why?
  • Adjust the sleeping duration of one thread (or both threads) to have a different output (ie. another interleaving of the tasks traces). Could you predict this output? Why?


Rendezvous or rendez-vous (French pronunciation: [ʁɑ̃devu]) refers to a planned meeting between two or more parties at a specific time and place. 1

Desired behaviour

We now want to make the two threads have a rendezvous after each iteration, i.e., the two threads A and B should perform their iterations in lockstep. Lockstep means that they both first perform iteration 0, then iteration 1, then iteration 2, etc. For each iteration the order between A and B should not be restricted.

  • Either A completes iteration i before B or B completes iteration i before A.
  • A thread is not allowed to start itertion i+1 until the other thread also completed iteration i.

An example for itertaion 0 and 1 is shown below.

In the above example, the two threads A and B compete (execute concurrently) and one will be first to reach the rendezvous point. For iteration 0, thread B is first to reach the rendezvous point and must wait for thread B to also reach the rendezvous point. Once the two threads have been synchronized at the rendezvous point, they once again compete during iteration 1 to be the first to reach the next rendezvous point. In the above example, for iteration 1, thread A is first to reach the rendezvous point and must wait for thread B.

Portable semaphores

Use the psem semaphores to enforce rendezvous between the two threads. .

Number of semaphores

How many semaphores are needed to make the two threads have a rendezvous after each iteration?

  • Can rendezvous be achieved using a single semapahore?
  • Do you need to use two semaphores?

Declare global semaphore variables

For simplicity, declare all psem_t semaphore varaibles globally.

Initial semaphore values

Initialse your semaphore(s) in the beginning of main().

  • Should the semaphore(s) be initialized with counter value 0, 1 or some other value?

Destroy semaphores after use

At the end of main(), don’t forget to destroy any semaphores you have initialized.

Compile and run

Compile and run the program.

$ make
$ ./bin/rendezvous

Example of invalid output

This is an example of an invalid execution trace.

B3   // ERROR: should be A2

Example of valid output

This is an example of a valid execution trace.


Change the relative speeds of the threads

Change the threads sleeping durations.

  • Does the output change?
  • What are the possible outputs?

Code grading questions

Here are a few examples of questions that you should be able to answer, discuss and relate to the source code of you solution during the code grading.

  • Explain the concept of rendezvous.
  • What will happen when you wait on a semaphore?
  • What will happen when you signal on a semaphore?
  • How can semaphores be used to enforce rendezvous between two threds?
  • How are mutex locks different compared to semaphores?
  • Why can’t mutex locks be used to solve the rendezvous problem?