If and case

In Erlang the if statement is a little different than in most other programming languages. In short, the if statement can only be used to test the result of expressions that are guaranteed to have no side effects. On the other hand, the Erlang case expression can be used to test the result of any expression.

The official Erlang documentation

The information on this page has been adopted from the official Erlang documentation about expressions and the subsections about if, case and guard sequences.

Guards and guard sequences

In order to understand the if statement you must first understand guards and guard sequences.

Guard sequences

A guard sequence is a sequence of guards, separated by semicolon ;.


The guard sequence is true if at least one of the guards is true. The remaining guards, if any, are not evaluated.


A guard is a sequence of guard expressions, separated by comma ,.


The guard is true if all guard expressions evaluate to true.

The set of valid guard expressions (sometimes called guard tests) is a subset of the set of valid Erlang expressions. The reason for restricting the set of valid expressions is that evaluation of a guard expression must be guaranteed to be free of side effects. Valid guard expressions are the following:

  • The atom true
  • Other constants (terms and bound variables), all regarded as false
  • Term comparisons
  • Arithmetic expressions
  • Boolean expressions
  • Short-circuit expressions (andalso, orelse)
  • Calls to the the followoing BIFs (Built In Functions):
    • is_atom/1
    • is_binary/1
    • is_bitstring/1
    • is_boolean/1
    • is_float/1
    • is_function/1
    • is_function/2
    • is_integer/1
    • is_list/1
    • is_map/1
    • is_number/1
    • is_pid/1
    • is_port/1
    • is_record/2
    • is_record/3
    • is_reference/1
    • is_tuple/1

If an arithmetic expression, a Boolean expression, a short-circuit expression, or a call to a guard BIF fails (because of invalid arguments), the entire guard fails. If the guard was part of a guard sequence, the next guard in the sequence (that is, the guard following the next semicolon) is evaluated.

The if statement

This is the syntax of the if expression.

    GuardSeq1 ->
    GuardSeqN ->

The branches of an if-expression are scanned sequentially until a guard sequence GuardSeq that evaluates to true is found. Then the corresponding Body (sequence of expressions separated by ,) is evaluated.

The return value of Body is the return value of the if expression.

If no guard sequence is evaluated as true, an if_clause run-time error occurs. If necessary, the guard expression true can be used in the last branch, as that guard sequence is always true.

Example of a valid if expression

In the following example, a valid if expression is used to calculate the return value of the test_a/1 function.

test_a(X) ->
        is_atom(X) ->
            {atom, X};
        X =:= 33 ->
            {equal, 33};
        X > 10 andalso X < 20 ->
            {between, X};
        true ->
            {true, X}

A few examples of calling the test_a/1 function with the return value as a %% comment.

test_a(blipp)    %%  {atom,blipp}
test_a(33)       %%  {equal,33}
test_a(15)       %%  {between,15}
test_a(3)        %%  {true,3}
test_a("hello")  %%  {true,"hello"}

Example of an invalid if expression

In the following example, the user defined function double/1 is used in one of the guards in the if expression in the test_b/1 function.

double(N) ->

test_b(X) ->
        is_atom(X) ->
            {atom, X};
        X =:= 33 ->
            {equal, 33};
        double(X) =:= 66 ->
            {double, X};
        X > 10 andalso X < 20 ->
            {between, X};
        true ->
            {true, X}

User defined functions are not allowed in guards. When compiling, Erlang will give the following error.

call to local/imported function double/1 is illegal in guard

The case statement

This is the syntax of the case expression.

case Expr of
    Pattern1 [when GuardSeq1] ->
    PatternN [when GuardSeqN] ->

The expression Expr is evaluated and the patterns Pattern are sequentially matched against the result. If a match succeeds and the optional guard sequence GuardSeq is true, the corresponding Body is evaluated.

The return value of Body is the return value of the case expression.

If there is no matching pattern with a true guard sequence, a case_clause run-time error occurs.

Testing the return value of a user defined function

In the following example, the user defined function double/1 is used in a valid case expression in the test_c/1 function.

double(N) ->

test_c(X) ->
    case double(X) of
        66 ->
            {sixsix, X};
        N when N > 10 ->
            {double_gt_10, X};
        _ ->
            {unknown, X}

A few examples of calling the test_c/1 function with the return value as a %% comment.

test_c(33)  %%  {sixsix, 33}
test_c(4)   %%  {unknown, 4}
test_c(9)   %%  {double_gt_10, 9}

Matching and deconstruction

The case expression is often used to match and deconstruct terms. In the following example a case expression is used to match and deconstruct a list.

test_d(X) ->
    case X of
        [one|T] -> {one, T};
        _ -> {unknown, X}

A few examples of calling the test_d/1 function with the return value as a %% comment.

test_d([one, 2, 3])  %%  {one, [2,3]}
test_d([1, 2, 3])    %%  {unknown, [1, 2,3]}

Case is similar to pattern matching in function clause heads

The test_d/1 function above is equivalent to the test_e/1 function below.

    -> {one, T};
test_e(_) -> 
    {unknown, X}.

Case is allowed anywhere an expression is allowed

The advantage of the case expression is that it can be used anywhere an expression is allowed. In the foo/2 function below, the local variable Z is bound to the value of the case expression.

foo(X, Y) ->
    Z = case X of
            [one|T] ->
                {one, T};
            _ -> 
                {unknown, X}
    bar(Y, Z).