Speaker: Assistant Prof Luca Mottola, Politecnico di Milano, and SICS Title: Spatio-temporal Programming of Multiple Coordinating Aerial Drones Time: Monday, Dec 16, 15.30 Place: Ångström, House 7, Floor 2, Signal and Systems Abstract: The talk will focus on our recent work around LiftOff: a programming system to develop applications using multiple coordinating aerial drones; for example, to monitor pollution at altitude. Building multi-drone systems is difficult, yet the benefits over single devices may be significant. LiftOff allows to program multiple drones collectively, by creating the illusion of a single computing device that occupies the physical space of interest. We achieve this by defining an abstract machine to collectively control the drones, and by giving variables in a programming language spatial and temporal semantics. A system of “futures" and “promises" we design allows concurrent executions while retaining the sequential semantics. To study the effectiveness of LiftOff, we considered three representative applications including a real deployment in Aquileia (Italy) for aerial mapping of an archaeological site. The results we will illustrate indicate that using multiple coordinating drones over single devices does provide significant advantages. Developers harvest these advantages as LiftOff facilitates programming multi-drone applications compared to existing approaches, at the price of a modest increase in resource consumption. Bio: Luca Mottola is an assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and a senior researcher at SICS Swedish ICT. Previously, he was a research scholar at the University of Southern California (USA). He completed his Ph.D. at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in 2008, after obtaining a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA) and a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy). His research interests focus on on Cyberphysical Systems. Out of his research, he was listed amongst Postscapes "Internet of Things Top 100 Thinkers", and has received the ERCIM Cor Baayen Award; the MIT TR Italia Young Innovator Award; the EWSN/CONET European Best Ph.D. Thesis Award; the Best Paper Award at ACM/IEEE IPSN 2011; the Best Paper Award at ACM/IEEE IPSN 2009; and the Best Demo Award at ACM SenSys 2007.