@TechReport{ it:2008-009, author = {Peter Naucl{\'e}r and Torsten S{\"o}derstr{\"o}m}, title = {Linear and Nonlinear Regression with Application to Unbalance Estimation}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Division of Systems and Control}, year = {2008}, number = {2008-009}, month = mar, abstract = {This paper considers estimation of parameters that enters nonlinearly in a regression model. The problem formulation is closely connected to unbal- ance estimation of rotating machinery. The parameter estimation problem can after approximation be formulated as a linear estimation procedure, while neglecting the effects of the disturbing term. Two such estimators are derived. In addition, a third approach that handles the uncertainty in a statistically sound way is presented. The three methods are compared and analyzed with respect to their statistical accuracy. Using the example of unbalance estimation of a separator, the nonlinear approach is shown to outperform the other two.} }