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Uppaal PORT

Uppaal PORT is a branch of Uppaal for simulation and verification of component-based real-time systems. The tool consists of a command line verifier, an Eclipse plug-in and a server binary that is used by the plug-in for simulation and verification. Input files for Uppaal PORT can be generated from the SAVE IDE, which is available from

The image below is a screen-shot of Eclipse with the SAVE IDE and the Uppaal PORT simulator.

Figure: UPPAAL Port on screen in SAVE IDE. Here the upper right window is the architectural design editor, to the left are two timed autoamta editors shown, and the lower window is the simulator.

SaveCCM: An Analysable Component Model for Real-Time Systems

SaveCCM is the component model used by the Uppaal PORT tool. The component model defines the graphical language and run-time framework of the SAVE component technology (SaveCOMP). See also [CHP05].

The SAVE Project

SAVE ( is a national programme supported by SSF, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. The goal of this project is to establish an engineering discipline for systematic development of component-based software for safety critical embedded systems.
The SAVE Approach to Component-Based Development of Vehicular Systems: [JSS06]