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Department of Information Technology

Seminars 2022

Date Time Title Speaker
2022-01-13 13:15-14:45 Presentations from students in the Computing Education Research course
Anders Berglund, students
2022-01-20 13:15-15:00 A sociological and philosophical reflection on social justice in science education
Abstract: How can educators create a more just science education? In this presentation, I zoom in on the concepts of social justice, inequality, and power in science education using Bourdieu’s sociological theory of capital as a conceptual lens. This presentation will also extend to discuss how other areas of social justice-related research philosophies can help us teach more reflectively. You are all most welcome to contribute and discuss your experiences.
Tina Vrieler
2022-01-27 13:15-14:45 Internal group discussion Mats Daniels
2022-02-03 13:15-14:45 Internal group discussion Mats Daniels
2022-02-10 13:15-14:45 How to practice and develop the disposition to reflect
Abstract: My work on the ACM/IEEE-CS IT2017 report and two recent ITiCSE Working Groups in 2018 and 2021 helped me better understand how to conceptualize the disposition component of competency, and motivated further investigation into pedagogical and assessment approaches of dispositions. One plausible approach is reflection. Theoretical understandings and models for both disposition and reflection have not yet led to teaching approaches and curricular designs in computing education that cultivate dispositions and reflection in students. Although scarce, studies of reflective practice on learning in computing courses show students' difficulties and lack of experience with reflection. A dispositional view of reflection might offer new ways of investigating how students can incorporate reflection in their professional practice.
Mihaela Sabin, University of New Hampshire
2022-02-17 13:15-14:45 Impressions from Kristina von Hausswolff's PhD defense Mats Daniels
2022-02-24 13:15-14:45 Internal CER Mats Daniels
2022-03-03 13:15-14:45 Queer inSTEM: A systematic literature review of the experience of queer individuals in STEM
Abstract: In this research meeting I will be discussing issues related to equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).I aim to provide a brief training to the terminology needed to understand and discuss queer issues and to discuss the findings of my recent research study. The major objective of this research study was to investigate the experiences of queer people in STEM learning or working environments. A systematic literature review was conducted. I aimed to address research questions related to: (a) the nature of STEM culture in learning/working environments; (b) the nature of queer students'/professionals’ experiences in STEM learning/working environments; and (c) coping mechanisms queer students/professionals enacted as members of STEM learning/working environments. A synthesis of the findings indicated that STEM culture was associated with cisheteronormativity, homophobia, transphobia, hostility, and silence around queer identities. Queer students and professionals experienced several forms of harassment and exclusion because of their queer identity. As a result, they enacted coping mechanism such as hiding their identity and working harder than their peers. After discussing the findings of this study, I will provide a synthesis of recommendations on ‘queering’ STEM (education).
Nelly Marosi, University of Groningen
2022-03-10 13:15-14:45 Authenticity work in higher education learning environments: a double-edged sword?
Abstract: Educational authenticity occupies a strong position in higher education research and reform, building on the assumption that correspondence between higher education learning environments and professional settings is a driver of student engagement and transfer of knowledge beyond academia. In this presentation, I will share a recently published paper where I and my co-authors draw attention to an overlooked aspect of authenticity, namely the rhetorical work teachers engage in to establish their learning environments as authentic and pedagogically appropriate. We use the term “authenticity work” to denote such rhetorical work. Drawing on ethnography and critical discourse analysis, we describe how two teachers engaged in authenticity work through renegotiating professional and educational discourse in their project-based software engineering course. This ideological project was facilitated by three discursive strategies: (1) deficitization of students and academia, (2) naturalization of industry practices, and (3) polarization of the state of affairs in academia and in industry. Our findings suggest that authenticity work is a double-edged sword: While authenticity work may serve to bolster the legitimacy that is ascribed to learning environments, it may also close down opportunities for students to develop critical thinking about their profession and their education. Based on these findings, we discuss implications for teaching and propose a nascent research agenda for authenticity work in higher education learning environments.
Here is a relevant article Hagvall Svensson, O., Adawi, T., & Johansson, A. (2021). Authenticity work in higher education learning environments: a double-edged sword?. Higher Education, 1-18.
Oskar Hagvall Svensson, Chalmers
2022-03-17 13:15-14:45 Creativity in STEM Education
Abstract: What is creativity? We define creativity as the ability to offer new perspectives, generate novel and meaningful ideas, raise new questions, and come up with solutions to ill-defined problems. It is on the top of agenda of developing 21st century skills in STEM education; it is one of key elements of professional identity among future STEM practitioners that may foster opportunities of successful innovation.
Even though creativity has been discussed in educational contexts, much attention has been paid to its relevance to subjects of art, business, or entrepreneurship. There is lack of explicit understanding on what creativity is and how creativity can be developed in STEM education. Meanwhile, creativity is a complex concept: it relates to diverse research areas such as cognition, emotion, psychology, and sociology, etc. Creativity is also both domain-general and domain-specific, which means it varies from domain to domain. These points drive this lecture to take a socio-cultural perspective to bring creativity, knowledge, learning, pedagogical design, and teacher education in one framework of STEM education. Particularly, Problem and Project-Based Learning (PBL) will be discussed as one of creative pedagogical strategies. Accordingly, the following questions will lead and structure the presentation:
a) Why should STEM educators pay more attention to creativity?
b) How can schools and universities foster creative learning environments and facilitate the changes from subject-based to problem-based STEM education?
c) How can STEM teachers become more skilled in Problem-based creative education?
Overall, this lecture makes integrative efforts on creativity, PBL, and STEM teacher education. In answering the above questions, theoretical understanding, practical cases, and project experience will be shared with audience. This will also invite audience to propose more questions, discussions, and reflections that may further contribute to exchange knowledge and develop collaboration in the future.
Chunfang Zhou, University of Southern Denmark
2022-03-24 13:15-14:45 Errors and mistakes in programming education – The performativity of a didactical model
Abstract: Purpose: Ever since the dawn of textual programming in the school, the demands of errors have been challenging (Dalbey & Linn, 1985; Deek & McHugh, 1998). Obviously, some of the errors would vanish if one stick to paper programming (Kim et al., 2014) and we continue as human computers. However, in the development of 21st century skills (Wood & Sithamparam, 2020) digital computers are pivotal and programming education are heavily dependent on the digital computers. There are some studies (Becker, 2016; Watson et al., 2012) where learning textual programming highlights the importance of error messages for students’ performance, but there are as well other studies (Denny et al., 2014) that questions their relevance students’ performance does not improve when the messages are enhanced. The institutional context could be a rationale explaining such an outcome: in contrast between two studies, a single institution study (Ahadi et al., 2018) and a multi-institutional study (Brown & Altadmri, 2014), the first a replication of the second, it was discovered that students' mistakes when learning textual programming depend on how the course is conducted. In another follow up paper (Brown and Altadmri, 2017) a group of 57 experienced programming educators estimated which mistakes were the most common. In that paper, a comparison between the educators’ estimates and the mentioned multi-institutional study, it was surprising how the educators made poor estimates about the most common mistakes (misunderstanding/forgetting syntax, type errors, and semantic errors). Besides, the educators’ teaching experience had little effect on the teachers’ estimates. This made us aware of something distorted in how we communicate about bugs (errors and mistakes), especially as errors messages are the output of computer machines, and the students’ mistakes are defined in relation to institutional and educational goals. As the dualism expertise-novice is distractive by nature in what we would like to achieve, the article deploy transactional learning theory to understand the co-creation process between teachers and one researcher.
The co-creation setting: two teachers and one researcher analyze a video clip. They are studying how two highly skilled secondary students are learning programming. The teachers have extended responsibility to include programming into the mathematics curriculum at secondary school. Three frequently occurring errors when programming are at foci during the session; in the syntax, at the cloud and on the computer. The researcher and one of the teachers have analyzed beforehand the video clip, in search of something of interest to share between them. The study starts with a summary and presentation by the researcher where he suggests a correlation between the teachers’ annotations and the existence of errors. This is the first time a didactical model is shared and discussed among them. The teachers have taught the basics of programming during three semesters, but still not able to perceive the different bugs that occurs in classroom. The researcher stresses a mission impossible, and a need for a teaching strategy including a didactical model. However, the teachers consider it manageable to teach as usual where the bugs will decrease in time.
Conclusions: The article pinpoints the intrinsic relationship between computer machine errors and human actions when doing mistakes in educational activities. In the co-creation process described by the article, the didactical model offers attentiveness to the complexity of errors: the interrelationship between the different types of errors and mistakes when teaching programming. The underpinning of the computer technology is significant to understand how we communicate about errors and mistakes in programming education.
Lennart Rolandsson, Uppsala University
2022-03-31 13:15-14:45 Internal UpCERG: our web presence Virginia Grande
2022-04-07 13:00-14:30 Betydelsen av teknikvetenskapligt kapital hos ingenjörsstudenter
In Swedish in room 104130
A collaboration with MINT
Abstract:Under seminariet ges en presentation av en studie genomförd bland ingenjörsstudenter med syfte att undersöka de som går ”raka vägen” och de som ”avviker”. Undersöka vad som påverkar deras val och hur påverkansfaktorer kan kopplas till så kallat teknikvetenskapligt kapital. Inledningsvis presenteras en beskrivning av begreppet teknikvetenskapligt kapital och hur det kan relateras till Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kapital och habitus. En liten inblick i skolsystemets bidrag till teknikvetenskapligt kapital ges. Därefter presenteras studien och dess resultat. Som data används studenters berättelser som inhämtats via frågeformulär. Olika s.k. habitus-rekonstruktioner ur gruppen ”avvikare” presenteras, för att beskriva studenters situation och deras ställningstaganden. Ur detta kan slutsatser dras som visar vad som kan ha betydelse för studenters val. En slutsats är att enbart teknikvetenskapligt kapital inte räcker för att studenten ska känna sig bekväm på sitt ingenjörsprogram.
Susanne Engström, KTH
2022-04-14 Easter Break
2022-04-21 13:15-14:45 Bridging the gap: on the shared experiences and differences in learning computing
Abstract: The CSEd community is making strides in enhancing the teaching and learning experience for instructors and students alike with conferences dedicated to pedagogies, tools, and programming languages such as SIGCSE TS, ITiCSE, Koli and ICER based in America and Europe. But how much of our own culture, education, experiences and encounters influence the way we think and teach? And how much does the academic research body consider the differences found in a globally diverse cohort of learners without slipping into unconscious bias and generalisation of particular groups?
In this talk, I'm hoping to share my journey into the world of computing from a Saudi lens, which includes first-hand accounts, triumphs, and lessons learned studying and teaching CS to an international audience, and how these rich interactions and deep connections influenced my research interests and career path. I'd love to hear your unique stories, lived experiences, and motivation for teaching computing to promote a culturally positive learning environment.
Bedour Alshaigy, independent researcher
2022-04-28 13:15-14:45 Open discussions
2022-05-05 13:15-14:45 Lessons Learnt from Pandemic Adaptations in Computing Education
Abstract: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, computing instructors have adapted their teaching to meet the needs of students in this ever-changing paradigm. These adaptations include the acquisition of new infrastructure, evolving expectations, revised course development strategies and the adoption of new modes of course delivery. Based on a survey of computing faculty worldwide, I will show what the academic landscape might look like beyond the impacts of COVID-19. We will explore these results and discuss lessons learned along with the evolution that has taken place since the survey data was collected. Recognizing that it is unlikely that we return completely to pre-pandemic norms, our goal is to identify practices within computing that have newly formed or improved throughout the pandemic, giving extra weight to those that we might hope to keep as we move into a post-pandemic future.
Mark Zarb, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK
2022-05-12 13:15-14:45 Get updated Mats Daniels
2022-05-19 13:15-14:45 Internal UpCERG: PhD reporting Thom Kunkeler
2022-05-26 Ascension Day
2022-06-02 13:15-14:45 Using Computing Education Research to Understand and Aid Our Students
Abstract: At the core of most computing education research projects is the desire to better understand our students and identify ways of improving their outcomes. In this talk, we will examine three examples of how I have used computing education research studies to learn about computing students and evaluate interventions aimed at improving their outcomes. First, we will examine the adoption and evaluation of Peer Instruction in computer science, including the evidence that it is valued by students, improves student learning, reduces failure rates, and may contribute to improved retention of CS students. Second, we will examine our finding that a surprising number of students enter later computing courses with a level of prerequisite course proficiency below what instructors’ might expect. Third, we will look at how the use of the validated Clance IP Scale has identified that a majority of our computing students struggle with Imposter Phenomenon and that female students are more likely to suffer from Imposter Phenomenon than male students. In each example, I will address important next steps for teachers as well as the broader computing education research community.
Leo Porter, University of California, San Diego, USA (recording)
2022-06-09 13:15-14:45 Applying the theoretical perspectives of science capital in everyday teaching and learning
Abstract: In this presentation, I will share our practical experiences of applying the science capital theoretical framework within school and out-of-school settings. Science capital as a construct has received considerable attention internationally, with much focus placed on ‘building’ and ‘measuring’ science capital. I argue that the value of science capital and its conceptualisation – itself based on the work of Bourdieu – is in highlighting the importance of the wider ‘field’ in determining who and what counts. Sharing insights from our work in secondary and primary schools, and also in the informal settings of maker spaces, I will discuss the ways in which we have worked in partnership with educators to apply (and also research) a science capital based teaching approach to promote equity and social justice within science learning.
Heather King, King's College London, UK
2022-06-16 13:15-14:45 Internal UpCERG, Wrap-up of the semester Mats Daniels
2022-09-01 13:15-14:45 Internal group discussion Mats Daniels
2022-09-08 13:15-14:45 Internal group discussion Mats Daniels
2022-09-15 13:15-14:45 Educational outreach experiences: building on emotional skills and connecting computing, math, ecology, and history
Abstract: Terran Mott is a PhD student in robotics at the Colorado School of Mines. In addition to her research in human-robot interaction, she conducts a variety of education outreach activities with elementary and middle-grade students. She focuses on building an interdisciplinary approach to computer science, bringing connections to math, ecology, and history to highlight the breadth of computer science applications. Her outreach goals also focus on building social and emotional skills in the context of computer science, such as perseverance, self-belief, and collaboration.
Terran Mott, Colorado School of Mines
2022-09-29 13:15-14:45 Presenting FIE papers
Student Perceptions of Online Learning During the Pandemic: A Change in Social Dynamics at a Swedish University (Jennifer Gross & Caroline Uppsäll) and Block and Text Programming in Swedish High School: What do students know on their first day? (Johan Snider, Erik Bokström, Kasper Davidsson, and Anna Eckerdal)
Caroline Uppsäll Johan Snider
2022-09-29 15:15-17:00 A Social Semiotic Approach to Teaching and Learning University Science John Airy, Stockholm University
2022-10-06 13:15-14:45 Discuss the upcoming FIE conference Mats Daniels
2022-10-12 15:00-16:00 Upper Secondary Programming 1 Teaching Resource CS Academy from Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract: Created due to a request from Pittsburgh, PA teachers in 2016, CMU CS Academy is a suite of Python courses that are available free of charge along with free professional development opportunities for teachers and on-going support. Founders Mark Stehlik and David Kosbie began the project and in 2018 ran the first pilot of our CS1 course, which is a full year of Computer Science for students. At the core of CMU CS Academy is our belief that all students should have access to quality CS education, which is why the courses and teacher training have been and remain free. In addition to the courses, we are keenly aware of accessibility needs and strive to address them and improve upon them continuously. The curriculum is available in English, Spanish, and German and we are releasing a community tool for additional possible translations in the near future.
Sofia De Jesus, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
2022-10-13 13:15-14:45 Gender differences in computing education
Abstract: Computing education currently begins at the elementary school age via classes, after-school programming clubs and online courses. Can this early introduction to computing help in bridging the gender gap in computer science? To explore the traits of female students that have increased potential to become computer scientists, we have run experimental programming courses in elementary schools. We also conducted an exploratory survey where we invited after-school programming club teachers to report their perceptions of gender differences among their students. Moreover, we collected rich information about the stereotypes that children hold about programmers. In this presentation, we will discuss our findings on gender differences and computing identity. We will also provide an overview of our work on university-level computing education topics that we are currently exploring, and specifically on data systems education and group work in CS studies.
Bio: Fenia Aivaloglou is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Education and Learning of TU Delft and the Programming Education Research Lab of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. Her research work is on computing education. Her research interests include teaching approaches, informal and lifelong education, and gender diversity. She is currently focusing on data education and collaborative learning.
Fenia Aivaloglou, TU Delft
2022-10-20 13:15-15:00 Reflections on students' critical thinking in higher education. Empirical examples from psychology students' writing up their bachelor's theses Max Scheja, Stockholm University
2022-10-27 13:15-14:45 Internal UpCERG discussions Mats Daniels
2022-11-17 13:15-14:45 Welcoming Bedour Alshaigy Mats Daniels
2022-11-24 13:15-15:00 Beyond the conventional and measurable: Assessment challenges and opportunities when knowledge is represented in diverse digital forms" Henrika Florén, Karolinska Institute
2022-12-01 13:15-14:45 Child Computer Interaction, designing and evaluating meaningful learning experiences
Abstract: Sofia will present the work and projects they have done in relation to investigating how children interact with systems and are engaged in a fruitful learning experience in STEM contexts.
Bio: Sofia Papavlasopoulou is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. Her research interests focus on the use of technological tools to support students’ learning while enhancing their interest in Computing Education, coding and science in general. Her goal is to investigate the best ways to support a fun, interactive, engaging approach to informal learning science activities for young students and design meaningful learning experiences for them.
Sofia Papavlasopoulou, NTNU
2022-12-06 13:15-14:15 Experiences on how to make Computing education appeal to a broader range of students
Abstract: The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) has undertaken several recruitment and retention efforts aimed at improving diversity among our Computing students. We will outline these efforts and explain recent research demonstrating a strong and significant correlation between gender as well as prior programming experience and interest in topics distributed along the PEOPLE–THINGS spectrum. Our research gives rise to actionable evidence-based recommendations on how to make computing exercises, advertising materials, and the composition of courses appeal to a broader range of Computing students.

Claus Brabrand, IT University Copenhagen (recording)
2022-12-06 14:30-15:30 An overview of ongoing research revolving around a complete renovation of our CS1 course Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, IT University Copenhagen
2022-12-08 13:15-14:45 Interview data collection Anna Eckerdal
Updated  2023-12-15 09:54:01 by Mats Daniels.