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Department of Information Technology



Our new graphics tracing and replay framework allows us to explore system-level effects on heterogeneous CPU+GPU memory systems. By efficiently generating GPU memory access traces for modern graphics applications, GLTraceSim replays them through a high-level cache model, or a detailed simulator (Gem5 extension) to explore effects in bandwidth, cache misses, scheduling and performance. GLTraceSim is built upon publicly-available tools.



  • [3] Germán Ceballos, Andreas Sembrant, Trevor E. Carlson, David Black-Schaffer. Behind The Scenes: Memory Analysis of Graphical Workloads on Tile-based GPUs. ISPASS 2018
  • [2] Germán Ceballos, Andreas Sembrant, Trevor E. Carlson, David Black-Schaffer. Analyzing Graphical Workloads on Task-Based GPUs. IISWC 2017
  • [1] Andreas Sembrant, Trevor E. Carlson, Erik Hagersten, David Black-Schaffer. A Graphics Tracing Framework for Exploring CPU+GPU Memory Systems. IISWC 2017
Updated  2018-03-31 15:37:24 by Germán Ceballos.