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Department of Information Technology

Nuclear Safety Needs Computer Science Research


Date and Time

Thursday, October 11th, 2012 at 10:30


Polacksbacken, room 1145


I will briefly introduce fault tree and event tree models. I will explain how are these models used in safety assessment of technical utilities. In particular, I will specify what type of questions does one ask about these models and what type of analysis does this correspond.

After this introduction, I will focus on challenges and open problems in this field. Those include

  • algorithmic challenges (speed, precision, new data structures and technologies, parallelization)
  • model extensions (state information, temporal information)
  • embedded digital systems (integration of digital systems into analysis)

Finally, I will talk about research possibilities that a collaboration with a leading developer (Scandpower AB) of a commercial tool for event/fault tree analysis for nuclear industry (RiskSpectrum) offers.

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Updated  2012-10-10 13:03:30 by Frédéric Haziza.