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Department of Information Technology

Evaluating the Accuracy of Annotations in the Loci 3.0 Pluggable Type Checker


Nosheen Zaza

Date and Time

Monday, November 26th, 2012 at 13:30


Polacksbacken, room 1146


This thesis work investigates the accuracy of Loci, a static type checker in expressing thread-locality at compile time. To do this, we need to capture both thread-locality at runtime, and thread-locality expressed statically using Loci. We present the framework we built to find these measurements, then describe the process of adding Loci annotations to two multi-threaded benchmarks, and measuring the accuracy of expressed thread-locality using the developed framework. We found that Loci annotations could express a thread-locality rate of 99.9% in terms of object count for a small benchmark of 1436 LOC, using a total of 15 annotations, and a rate of 83.5% for a part of Xalan from the DaCapo benchmark suite, composed of 65114 LOC, using less than 280 annotations. These results show that Loci can be used to capture a high-rate of thread-locality with a small annotation overhead.

Updated  2012-11-21 12:09:33 by Frédéric Haziza.