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Department of Information Technology

This page is a copy of research/scientific_computing/seminars/fall_2018 (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:01:30)

Fall 2018

December 12 at 13.15, 2446, Half-time seminar

Refactoring an HPC code base using object-oriented methodology - effects on maintainability and performance

November 28 at 13.15, 1145, guest lecture

On solving symmetric systems of linear equationsarising in optimization

November 21 at 13.15, 1211, guest lecture

Shadow Hamiltonian dynamics for non-linear self-consistent field models, a coordinated design approach to scientific computing

November 14 at 13.15, 1145, guest lecture

The study of discontinuous Galerkin methods with structure preserving

November 7 at 13.15, 4307 (!), guest lecture

Matrix Structures arising in Fractional Differential Equations: Spectral Features and Fast Solvers

November 6 at 15:30, 4306 (!), guest lecture

Perturbation theory for the spectral decomposition of matrices

October 26 at 13.15, 2345, guest lecture

Energy stable boundary conditions for the nonlinear incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

October 4 at 10.15, 2247, guest lecture

Artificial Intelligence and the self-driving cloud

October 3 at 13.15, 2345, guest lecture

Radial Basis Function-generated Finite Differences (RBF-FD): a meshfree approach for the numerical solution of differential equations

27 September at 13.15, 1112, guest lecture

High-order compact finite difference methods for parabolic problems with mixed derivative terms and applications in computational finance

20 September at 14.30 (!), 1213, guest lecture

Coupled Flow Solution Algorithms in OpenFOAM

12 September at 13:15, 1111, guest lecture

Hybrid Fuzzy-Stochastic Predictive Modeling and Computation

7 September in room 1211, guest lecture

The Numerical (in?)Stability of Ice Sheet Models

5 September in room 2414b, guest lecture

Meshless Method Coupled with Finite Element Method for Structural Optimisation

23 August in room 2345, 10:15-11, guest lecture

Transport Based Ideas for Waveform Inversion

17 August in room 2345, 10:30-11.15, guest lecture

The Topic of Optimal Transport: Theory and Application

Spring 2018

30 May in room 2345, guest lecture

Mitral Valve Biomechanical Model Construction

24 May in room 2345, guest lecture

A third order accurate wave propagation method for hyperbolic partial differential equations

18 May in room 2345 at '15:15', guest lecture

Quasi-Toeplitz matrices: analysis, algorithms and applications

16-17 May, short course

Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems

9 May in room 2347, Docent föreläsning

Fasbestämning - beräkningsvetenskap för att avbilda virus

8 May in room 2244, guest lecture

Surfactant-Covered Drop Electrohydrodynamics

25 April in room 2344, Ph.D. presentation

Radial basis function methods for nonlinear PDEs

18 April in room 2345, guest lecture

Computational methods for stability in mechanical systems: From numerics to rigorous proofs

11 April in room 2345, guest lectures

  • Cecilia Persson

Computational analysis as a tool in biomaterials and biomechanics research: bone fracture treatment


  • Dan Wu

Deducing bone properties at the micro-level through imaging and numerical analysis

4 April in room 2344, Ph.D. presentations

Parallelization and scalability analysis of inverse factorization using the Chunks and Tasks programming model Abstract


Parallel Stochastic Simulation of Cell-Cell Communication with Spatially Resolved Reaction-Diffusion Kinetics Abstract

28 March in room 2344, Ph.D. presentation

3D modelling of controlled-source electromagnetic fields in applied Geophysics

7 March in room 1146, Ph.D. presentations

Investigating Statistical Models for Imputation - Applications for Ancient DNA, Kristiina Ausmees

KubeNow: an On-Demand Cloud-Agnostic Platform for Microservices-Based Research Environments, Marco Capuccini

March 1 in room 2344, at 14:15 guest lecture

Failing less or failing better
/On Resiliency in HPC computations/

28 February in room 2446, guest lecture

Machine Intelligence and Automation at Ericsson Research

Jörgen Gustafsson and Andreas Johnsson

21 February in room 2446, guest lecture

Transitional and turbulent bent pipes

14 February in room 2345, guest lecture

Adaptive finite element method for identification of isotropic coefficients in Maxwell's equations

7 February in room 2345

Mathematical modelling of blood coagulation and thrombus formation under flow in normal and pathological conditions

17 January in room 2344, guest lecture

Meshfree semi-Lagrangian methods for transport on spheres and other surfaces

Updated  2022-08-31 15:01:30 by Victor Kuismin.